Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mac OS X running using Vmware Player

On May 14th, 2011 I decided to experiment with running Mac OS X in a vm on my Dell XPS 15.

Following this video ( ) it got me about 95% of the way there. I had to do some work on getting all the downloads mentioned. The toughest part was after the installation, the reset would go straight into a kernel panic within the vmware player. The change I needed to make was just prior to running the Mac OS X install, I also needed to select the "Legacy Kernel" as part of the install customization.

Update - May 15th, 2011
As I mentioned earlier, I did get 10.6.6 working using the "legacy kernel." I proceeded to get the audio working. To execute the audio package, I thought I needed to go through vmware tools, which "can't be accessed." From one of the blogs, it suggested to run the OS X update, and reinstall the vmware tools. Once I ran the update and restarted, I got the kernel panic back.

Update 2 - May 15th, 2011
I didn't want to go through the install process just again (probably did it 5x?). I downloaded the vm player boot loader:

Update - May 27th, 2011
Upgraded to 10.6.7 of OS X. USB support is still flaky on this version of Vmware player, and the vmware tools isn't working. Install iLife, and iMovies doesn't work (complaining about having the proper graphics interface). iChat, iPhotoBooth, and the sound is working. This setup does hang about 1/3 rd of the time, mostly have to restart the laptop, sometimes able to restart the vmware player. I did find a comment on the internet that 6.5 of vmware workstation had USB working properly and 7 was still being worked through.

Vmware Wiki

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